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Recommended Hotels in Lusaka Zambia

Here is our list of the recommended Hotels in Lusaka Zambia (in no particular order)

Located in the heart of Lusaka with a relatively short drive (about 25 minutes) from the Airport boasting a modern look and feel with stunning architecture. Proximity to major shopping malls, all the ammenities you'd expect from a known brand as well as it's ever growing status makes it rank high. The link at the head provides more details but there is no stopping this luxury hotel from making our top 5 list.

Also located in the heart of Lusaka is a hotel that needs no introduction.

There is no substitute for expereience and having been around for a while, these folks have grown from strength to strength. With the Taj group of hotels at the helm, you can expect international, exceptional quality.

Been there, done it ! Another well known chain with refined elegance.

Checks all the boxes from location to comfort so expect no disappoinments should you pick this one.

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